Take Care of Your Eyes as You Age

When you reach about 40 years of age, you may start noticing that your eyes begin to change. At first, you may simply ignore the change and not think much of it. But as time continues to pass, you may notice it is harder to read or see things close up.

These eye changes are normal due to your age. It is called “presbyopia”, and it means you will need to use reading glasses to comfortably read the small print from now on.

It is essential that you have a comprehensive eye exam regularly. You need a regular eye exam because many eye diseases do not come with red flags or early warning signs. However, a comprehensive dilated eye exam can detect eye disease while it is in the early stages. By detecting a problem early, it will be easier to manage for years to come.

You may wonder, what are some other age-related eye conditions?

For people over 50 years of age, this condition is the leading reason for the loss of sight. There is a small spot near the center of your eye called the macula. The macula is responsible for your central vision, the loss of which can set limits in your life. AMD can restrict your ability of face recognition, driving, reading, writing, or any activity that requires you to look closely. Risk factors for AMD are:

  • Age (over 60 usually)
  • Smoking
  • Family History and Genetics

Dry Eye

Sometimes as you get older, your tear ducts do not work like they used to. The quantity or quality of the tears from your tear duct is not enough to keep your eyes lubricated. This ends up feeling like sand is in your eye or it may feel scratchy. You may also have other symptoms, such as:

  • Burning
  • Pain
  • Redness in the Eye
  • Excessive tearing

Here are some of the other reasons that may contribute to your dry eye condition:

  • Advancing Age
  • Medications
  • Rosacea
  • Autoimmune Disorders
  • Windy or Dry Environments

If you are suffering from this condition, it is essential to make an appointment with an eye doctor to get some relief.

Low Vision

Even though you may wear glasses or contact lenses, you may still have a hard time seeing. Some of the health or eye conditions that can cause low vision are:

In treating this condition, it is crucial to catch it early. The earlier the doctor finds the problem, the more likely they can help you preserve as much of your vision as possible.

Here are some of the warning signs:

If you have a hard time…

  • Recognizing the faces of people you know
  • Reading, cooking, fix-it work
  • Choosing and matching your clothes
  • Seeing clearly with the lights on
  • Read large signs with driving or department store signs

If you have any of these signs, it is essential to make an appointment for a complete comprehensive eye exam with dilation. The phone call can preserve your sight.

Schedule an Appointment in Hamilton, NJ

Whether you have these symptoms or not, the most important piece of information to take from this article is the need for a comprehensive eye exam. If you have not had an exam in the last year, it is time to call and make an appointment. Before you feel regret and you have lost some of your vision. Contact Campus Eye Group and make your eye appointment today.


You can also contact us by filling out our online form or giving us a call at (609) 587-2020.

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