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5 Reasons to Schedule Your Eye Exam

Have you had your eyes checked recently?

It can be difficult to gauge when you need a fresh eye check-up. Our eyes change as we get older and our prescription glasses need adjustment. We might not notice these differences until they bring us severe discomfort, making it difficult to complete everyday tasks or do things we enjoy. If left unattended, an outdated prescription can cause great damage so it is important to schedule routine eye exams.

Campus Eye Group wants to help you see life clearly. As our patient, you will be treated with compassion, and we will help you get the glasses that you need in order to start living again.

Here are five signs that you need an eye exam.

1- Headaches

Everyone gets an occasional headache when stressed or overworked. Headaches can also be a sign that you need an eye checkup. If your headache is constant and nothing brings you relief, you don’t have to live in discomfort. Pay attention when you’re using the computer or reading a book. If these things seem to trigger your headache, you might need an exam to determine whether your eye health is contributing to these headaches.

2- Blurry Vision

Blurred vision is a symptom that comes gradually but can lead to permanent vision loss if it is the sign of a more serious health concern. You might not notice it until you try to read something and find it clouded by fog. Blurry vision triggers headaches if you ignore it and continue to read, drive, or work. A new prescription for your glasses will help you enjoy your favorite novel again, and you won’t have to worry about street signs when you’re driving.

3- Light Sensitivity

Does the light of your desk lamp appear to trigger your headache? When your eyes become sensitive to the light, you need to see a specialist. Light sensitivity could be a symptom of the early stages of glaucoma, cataracts, or other eye diseases. A vision screening with our eye doctors can look for symptoms of these diseases to ensure your overall health.

4- Floaters or Bright Flashes

Floaters are clear spots that creep into your vision. In general, they are nothing to cause great concern but they can be irritating. We all have floaters and develop more as we age. If you notice a cluster of floaters appearing all of a sudden, or if you experience flashes of light from the corners of your eyes, you should have your retinas checked. They might be symptoms of an eye condition that could lead to blindness.

5- Difficulty Driving at Night

With weakened eyes, it’s difficult to drive during the day; at night, the obstacles become worse, because street signs are veiled in darkness. If you struggle with blurry vision, light sensitivity, or depth perception, you should not try to drive at night since it could be dangerous for you and others.

What to Expect at Your Comprehensive Eye Exam

Annual eye exams with your eye doctor keep your vision clear and allow for early detection of possible eye conditions. At your eye exam, eye muscle movements, visual acuity, and blood vessels in your eyes can all be checked to look for symptoms of possible eye diseases. You can also update your prescription for glasses or contact lenses if needed. It’s not uncommon for a prescription to change yearly, especially for younger patients whose eyes are still developing.

Schedule an Appointment

If you are experiencing symptoms of vision loss, the team of expert physicians at Campus Eye Group is here to help. If you’re in Mercer County, NJ, or Bucks County, PA call us today to schedule an appointment and let us bring you relief with an eye exam in Hamilton, NJ.

Healthy Vision for Your Children

Your child’s eyesight should be of the utmost importance. To ensure that your child’s eyesight is good, there are several things that you will want to do as they age. From the time that they are newborns, you will want to make sure that you pay attention to how they are doing with their vision, and if you see any issues, schedule an appointment with Campus Eye Group as soon as possible.

Baby’s First Eyesight

When your infant is born, they will only see shadows, lights, and blurry shapes. They will not be able to see much unless it is close to their face. As they get older, their vision will begin to clear. There are several things that you can do to help aid your baby in their vision.

• Play peek-a-boo. Playing this will help them learn how to focus their eyes properly.
• Moving objects. Take an object like a rattle or block and move them back and forth. This will help your baby to learn to track with their eyes.
• Color. Your baby will not see full color for a few weeks. However, as soon as a baby starts to see color, they will be drawn to it. Provide colorful items like a baby mobile to encourage your baby to look at different colors.

Vision Progress: Age 6-12 Months

When your baby reaches the six-month mark, they will start to develop hand and eye coordination. Encourage this by handing them a lot of colorful objects. Rattles, blocks, and colorful toys can help to aid in hand-eye coordination. You should still be playing peek-a-boo with your infant during this time as well. Just switch to hiding under blankets or hiding a toy for them to find.

Toddler Vision

A toddler’s vision skills will broaden quickly. They will need to learn how to throw balls during this time and to walk. When your toddler reaches the age of two, they may discover that they love to draw with paper and crayons. You should encourage them to help further develop their eyesight. Colorful building blocks are also encouraged at this time. It will help their vision and hand and eye coordination.

Regular Eye Exams Promote Great Childhood Vision

When your child is young, they are not going to be able to tell you when something is wrong with their vision. This is why it is so important to get regular eye exams. The first eye exam should be scheduled at around six months of age. The next eye exam should happen around the age of three unless there is an issue that needs to be corrected. Early intervention can help to ensure that your child’s eyesight is excellent.

Schedule an Appointment

If your child needs to be seen by an eye doctor for their routine eye exam, or you suspect that there is an issue, please call Campus Eye Group today. We will do a complete exam on your child’s eyes to ensure that they are developing as they should be.

How Diabetes Can Affect Your Eye Health

Diabetes continues to be a growing problem in the United States, and statistics show that roughly 34 million Americans live with diabetes. It tends to affect people over the age of 65 more severely than younger people, but men and women in their 40s and 50s can also be affected by diabetes. Eating a poor diet, family history, and a sedentary lifestyle are a few factors that lead to developing diabetes. It’s important to know that diabetes can negatively affect you in a variety of ways, including your vision. Here’s what to know about it and how your ophthalmologist can help.

How Diabetes can Damage Your Eyes

Diabetes can affect your eyes and vision in several ways. Cataracts, blurry vision, diabetic retinopathy, and glaucoma are just a few conditions that can affect people with diabetes. Glaucoma is one of the most common eye condition that is linked to diabetes.

The Link Between Diabetes and Glaucoma

Several types of glaucoma can affect people with diabetes. Secondary glaucoma is a type of glaucoma that is a result of another medical condition such as diabetes. Neovascular glaucoma is one of the most common types of secondary glaucoma that diabetics are at risk of developing. Neovascular glaucoma is caused by new blood vessels being formed in the eyes. Unfortunately, the new blood vessels are fragile and can leak or burst due to fluid pressure inside the eyes. Surgery is often the best way to treat this type of glaucoma. If left untreated, neovascular glaucoma can cause vision loss and blindness.

Are Diabetics at Greater Risk for Glaucoma?

People with diabetes are at a much greater risk of developing glaucoma than people who don’t have diabetes. According to the Glaucoma Research Foundation, people with diabetes are twice as likely to develop glaucoma. Glaucoma is a serious condition that requires regular visits to the doctor, treatment, and regular testing.

With regular testing and visits to your opthalmologist, they can limit the damage done to your eyesight by prescribing treatments to maintain proper eye pressure. If you already have vision loss due to glaucoma, it can’t be restored by glaucoma treatments, so you’ll have to correct your vision with glasses or contact lenses.

Preventing Glaucoma

There are some important steps diabetics can take to help prevent glaucoma or reduce the amount of damage it does to their eyes and vision. Regular comprehensive eye exams with dilation can help prevent glaucoma and maintaining good blood sugar levels can also prevent glaucoma, eye damage, and vision loss. Another way to prevent glaucoma and maintain good eye health is to maintain your overall health. Eating a healthy diet, along with regular exercise and taking your prescribed medications, can help to keep your eyes and eyesight in good condition.

Schedule a Consultation

With multiple offices in Mercer County, NJ and Bucks County, PA, Campus Eye Group is here to help you with all of your vision care and treatment needs. We offer comprehensive exams, treatment, and surgery for vision correction, cataract removal, and other eye diseases and conditions. Schedule your consultation with our team by calling or filling out our online form.

How Long Does it Take for the Eye to Heal After Cataract Surgery?

What Is Cataract Surgery

Cataract surgery is performed to take the lens of your eyeball and typically replace it with one that is artificial. Cataracts cause cloudy lenses and make it hard for the person with the condition to see. The surgery is done as an outpatient procedure by an ophthalmologist. This procedure is common and quite safe.

Risks Involved With Cataract Surgery

There are rarely any complications when cataract surgery is performed and most that do occur are treated with high success rates.
The risks include the following possibilities:

  • Infection
  • Bleeding in the retina
  • Swelling
  • The eyelid may droop
  • The artificial lens can possibly slip
  • The detachment of the retina is possible
  • Glaucoma
  • Losing vision
  • A second cataract can develop

If macular degeneration, glaucoma, or other medical conditions are present the risks are greater. Your opthalmologist can evaluate if treatment for other eye conditions is necessary before the consideration of cataract surgery. If you are predisposed to infection, your specialist may prescribe antibiotic eye drops that need to be administered for up to two days before the surgery.

Post-surgical Precautions

Typically patients go home the same day as their procedure, but be aware that you cannot drive yourself and will need somebody with you to take you home. You will need help for about a week if your doctor tells you to be easy on your body. Bending and lifting can put a strain on the eyes, therefore it is not advised to be overly active during the first week of recovery.

Once the procedure has been performed, your ability to see will start to get better within a few days. Your sight may be a bit blurred as the process of healing begins to adjust your eyes to the new lenses.

With new lenses, the colors that you see will likely seem to be more vivid and bright since you are no longer looking through clouds. Cataracts tend to mute colors and patients sometimes don’t realize just how much the condition affected their vision.

You will typically return to your specialist up to two days after your procedure, and again the next week. Once you hit a month post-op, you will have another appointment to be sure you are healing properly.

The first few days after you have the surgery itching and discomfort are normal. Try not to rub your eyes or push on them. It’s possible that the specialist may want you to wear an eye patch to protect and shield your eye on the day of the operation. Some doctors will have their patients wear a shiel that will protect the eye(s) for several days post-op and every night during the time of recovery.

Eyedrops may be prescribed by the ophthalmologist to avoid the risk of infection and bring down any swelling or ocular pressure you may have. Some of these medications can be administered by injection directly into the eye during the operation. Your discomfort should be gone after a few days and you should begin to see improvement healing. It will take approximately eight weeks for the patient to be completely healed.

If you have any of the following symptoms you should get in contact with your specialist immediately:

  • Loss of vision
  • Pain that does not reduce even after using OTC pain relievers
  • Redness or swelling of the eyelid and surrounding areas of the eye
  • Flashes of light or floating spiders in front of the eye

It’s not uncommon for patients to need glasses for at least a short period of time after surgery. Your specialist will wait until your healing is complete to give you a prescription for permanent glasses if they are needed. This can take anywhere from one month up to three months before complete healing is achieved.

If you have cataracts in both of your eyes the second surgery is normally not performed until after the first eye has healed. Both eyes are not typically operated on at the same time as it will leave the patient with no vision for at all for some time.

How Does My Vision Change in My 20’s and 30’s?

Many people notice their vision changing as they start to age. Generally speaking, people that are in the age range between 20 and 30 have good vision. If they have issues, then it can usually be corrected with corrective lenses. In fact, up until age 40, more people fall into this category. If there are problems, then they are mostly due to either eye stress or some sort of injury.

What Happens To Eyes When You Age

Aging can cause your eyes to change. This can even happen to those in the 20-30-year-old range. If a correction is needed, then it is also possible that the prescription strength needed to correct anything from astigmatism, farsightedness or nearsightedness will also change as you age. That is why it is so important to continue to get eye exams on a regular basis.

Hardening of Lenses

One thing that does happen as you age is for your eye lens to start getting harder. This can lead to farsightedness, which makes it more difficult to see things that are close to you. The muscles that are used to support the lens can also start relaxing when you age, and this can also affect vision.

Eye Strain

Eye strain can come from many things we do in our modern world right now. Looking at screens, whether that be on a computer, television or phone, can all cause strain due to the exposure to blue light. This will make eyes tired and strained. The symptoms from looking at a computer screen for too long can be dry eyes, blurred vision, headaches, shoulder and neck strain, as well as eye strain. In order to keep this from happening, it is a good idea to take some time every 20 minutes to look away for 20 seconds at a space that is about 20 feet away. This helps your eyes relax.

Preventative Measures

In order to keep your eyes in tip-top shape, there are some things you can do. Lifestyle choices may play a big factor, so make sure you stay healthy by eating a nutritious diet. Eating vegetables and fruit can help provide you with the proper nutrients. Also, select those foods that are high in antioxidants. Another lifestyle thing would be to not smoke. This can have a negative impact on eyesight. Above all, make sure that you get your eyes checked on a regular basis. If there are issues, then the doctor can get you headed in the right direction to help with whatever you need. If you are in the 20-30-year-old range, it is recommended that you should get your eyes checked every two years. If you have health issues, then you should opt for more frequent exams.

Other Healthy Habits for Good Eye Health

Of course, always go to the optometrist if you start having issues with your eyes. There are some other things that you can do that are helpful. Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from UV rays and the sun. Hats with a lid are also helpful since prolonged exposure to UV rays can be damaging to the eyes. Exercise is good because it increases oxygen flow not only around the body but also in the eyes. It is able to get rid of toxins in the eyes. Good hygiene is also important since it decreases your chance of getting eye infections. If you do wear corrective lenses, then making sure they are the correct prescription is important. Watch how much time you are exposed to blue light on a screen.

If you have concerns with your vision, please call us today to schedule your consultation. We will be able to give you advice on how to keep your eyes healthy.

Dry Eye Syndrome: What to Know

One of the most common eye problems patients will visit their eye doctors for is dry eye syndrome. This is characterized by a chronic dryness of the eyes. People with this condition need more than just eye moisturizing drops to relieve the dryness in their eyes. Dry eye syndrome, also known as dysfunctional tear syndrome, is caused by low tear production of the tear glands or the poor quality of tears.

Risk Factors

Some people are more likely to develop dry eyes than others. Females over forty, aging men, and people who work with computers for long hours at a time are the most susceptible to developing it. For females, dry eyes might become a problem after the age of forty due to hormonal changes. These fluctuations in hormones that were once fairly balanced might disrupt the production and quality of tears. For older men, dry eyes might develop simply because of the aging process, which might cause deterioration of the eyes in general, including the activity of the tear glands.

Other Causes of Dry Eye Syndrome

There might be other reasons for chronic dry eyes, and these include, but are not limited to:

  • Hypersensitivity to air conditioning, air heating systems, and ceiling fans.
  • Wearing contact lenses. Some people choose to stop wearing them because of this persistent issue.
  • Windy or dry outside environments.
  • Smoking.
  • Medications. These might include prescriptions and over-the-counter medications like antihistamines, blood pressure medications, birth control pills, and antidepressants, among others.
  • Health problems like diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and Sjogren’s syndrome might cause chronic eye dryness.


Symptoms of dry eyes, other than the dryness itself, might include burning sensations and aching sensations in the eyes, as well as sensations of fatigue and heaviness. Eyes might become sore and itchy, which can invite frequent rubbing of the eyes. However, this only exacerbates the problem and cause blurry vision. Photophobia, which is a sensitivity or intolerance to light, might develop and this might cause constant squinting. Those with photophobia might also experience headaches often.

Testing for Dry Eyes

If you think that you might have chronic dry eye syndrome, a test can be performed to verify it. We have to be sure that your condition is actually a case of dry eye syndrome and not just symptoms of hay fever or other common irritations to the eye. After an eye examination to confirm it’s a case of dry eye syndrome, prescription eye medications may be needed to treat the symptoms.


Along with prescription eye medication, certain behavior modifications might also be recommended, including limiting the use of screen time at computers or other devices with bright light displays. There are also in-office treatments that can be performed that will stimulate normal tear production and relieve dryness of the eyes and the symptoms that come with it significantly.

Schedule a Consultation

At Campus Eye Group in New Jersey, the problem of dry eye syndrome is solved with the most effective treatments in our state-of-the-art facility operated by experienced, professional staff. Schedule your consultation with us today and get the relief you have been looking for.

Cataracts: What Are The Early Signs?

As we become older, the lenses inside our eyes get yellow, harden, and become cloudy. This opaque change of the lens is a cataract which prevents light from penetrating the lens. Cataracts can develop in both eyes symmetrically or more noticeable in one eye, but you cannot have multiple cataracts per eye, they cannot “jump” from one eye to the other, and they are not contagious. How can you know whether you need to consult an eye doctor? Signs that point to early detection include difficulty seeing at night, appearance of halos and glare, cloudy vision, and increased light sensitivity.

Difficulty Seeing at Night

People with the early stages of cataracts say they have worsening of the nighttime vision. Cataracts can cause vision to dim or darken, making good vision more difficult. People that have early stage cataracts may not notice these vision changes during the day because daylight can compensate for worsening of the vision. However, the worsened vision may be noticeable at night. Cataracts distort light that enters your eyes and as a result you may see halos around lights. When you have difficulty seeing at night, it is time for an eye exam.

Appearance of Halos and Glare

You are driving and you notice the oncoming cars’ headlights are not two distinct points. Instead, they have multiple rings or shadows around them. It could be a sign of the beginning of cataracts, and you would benefit from the eye exam to make sure your vision is still good for driving.

Cloudy Vision

Another sign of cataracts is foggy or filmy vision. As the cataract gets worse, less and less light gets through the lens of the eye to the retina. This is related to halos and glare. If you notice that your vision becomes more and more hazy, you should consider removing the cataracts.

Increased Light Sensitivity

Usually, when one is young, sensitivity to light only appears when looking at the sun. However, when one becomes uncomfortable with the ordinary headlights and/or home lights, it can be a sign of cataracts. The increased need for darker sunglasses can also be another sign of cataracts. Since nearly 1/3 of blindness is because of untreated cataracts, it makes sense to stay on top of your eye health. Maybe you just need to update your glasses, but maybe you do have cataracts. A visit with Campus Eye Group can help to put your mind at ease when you are concerned about your eye health.

What Are the Side Effects of Cataract Surgery?

Cataract surgery is an extremely effective way to restore your vision if you’ve been struggling with cataracts. However, it can help to know what to expect from your surgery. Here’s what to know about cataract surgery so you can begin preparing and bring the right questions with you to your consultation with our expert team.

What Is Cataract Surgery?

Cataracts are caused by a buildup of protein on the natural lens of the eye. The goal of cataract surgery is to replace the cloudy lens capsule of each eye affected by cataracts with a clear artificial lens (an intraocular lens implant). The surgery is done as an outpatient procedure by an ophthalmologist. This procedure is common, quite safe, and is one of the most effective ways to treat cataracts in the long term. Your eye surgeon will only recommend cataract surgery if they are confident that you are a good candidate.

The Risks of Cataract Surgery

There are rarely any serious complications when cataract surgery is performed by an experienced ophthalmologist. However, every surgery comes with risks. Some of the risks of cataract surgery include:

  • Infection
  • Bleeding in the retina
  • Swelling
  • Drooping eyelids
  • Misplaced lens implant
  • Detachment of the retina
  • Glaucoma
  • Loss of vision
  • Secondary cataract

If you have eye diseases like macular degeneration, glaucoma, retinal detachment, or other medical conditions, the risks are greater. Your ophthalmologist can evaluate if treatment for other eye conditions is necessary before you consider cataract surgery. If you are predisposed to infection, your specialist may prescribe antibiotic eyedrops that need to be administered for up to two days before the surgery.

What to Expect After Cataract Surgery

Typically, patients go home the same day as their procedure but be aware that you cannot drive yourself and will need somebody else to take you home. You should plan on resting for around one week as you recover. Bending and lifting can put a strain on the eyes, so you should not be overly active during this time.

Temporary Blurred Vision

After surgery, your sight may be a bit blurred as the process of healing begins to adjust your eyes to the new lenses. Your vision will begin to return to normal within a couple of days. With new lenses, the colors you see can seem more vivid and bright since you are no longer looking through cataracts. A clouded lens mutes colors and patients sometimes don’t realize just how much the condition affected their vision until after their surgery is completed.

Protect Your Eyes

In the first few days after surgery, itching and discomfort are normal. Try not to rub your eyes or push on them since this could cause a dislocated intraocular lens. It’s possible that your ophthalmologist may want you to wear an eye patch to protect and shield your eye after the operation. You may also need to wear a shield that will protect your eyes for several days post-op and every night during your recovery period. Light sensitivity is a common temporary side effect so it is important to wear sunglasses when outdoors.

Use Eye Drops

Eyedrops will be prescribed to avoid the risk of infection and bring down any swelling or ocular pressure you may have. Your discomfort should be gone after a few days and you should begin to see improvement in healing. If not, then be sure to see your ophthalmologist as soon as possible. It will take approximately eight weeks to be completely healed.

You will typically return to your ophthalmologist up to two days after your procedure, and again the next week. About one-month post-op, you will have another appointment to make sure you are healing properly.

Symptoms to Look Out For

If you have any of the following symptoms, you should get in contact with our office immediately:

  • Loss of vision or persisting blurry vision
  • Pain that does not go away even after using over-the-counter pain relievers
  • Redness or swelling of the eyelid and surrounding areas of the eye
  • Flashes of light or floating “spiders” in front of the eye

Schedule a Consultation

Cataract surgery is an excellent, long-term option for restoring your vision. To learn more about your options and what to expect from recovery, contact our offices by calling or filling out our online form.

Things College Students Can Do to Protect the Health of Their Eyes

The life of a college student can become quite busy. However, this is no reason to ignore issues pertaining to the eye health. Students in college should be especially conscious of the following tips regarding the health of their eyes.

Keep Your Hands Clean

Crowded classrooms and dormitories make great breeding areas for bacteria and germs. The germs that cause pink eye are common in these environments. Wash your hands multiple times each day with warm water and soap. You should also keep your hands away from your face, especially your eyes, as much as possible.

Keep Contact Lenses Clean

Between classes and on-campus social activities, it can be easy to neglect the cleaning of your contact lenses. You should not sleep in your contacts unless they are specifically designed for extended wear. You should disinfect and properly store your contacts each night before bed. You should also only wash your contacts with the proper cleaning solution and never shower or swim while wearing them. Bad hygiene practices with contacts can cause infections in the eye and sometimes worse.


Studying and reading for long hours can strain the eyes. Modern technology can make matters worse. The light from mobile phones, tablets, and computers is a factor for computer vision syndrome and other eye complications. If you must work using a computer for a large part of the day, computer glasses are available to lessen the workload on your eyes.

Spend Time Outside

More than half of college students suffer from nearsightedness. Spending time outside can keep this condition from becoming worse. Spend a little time outdoors each day. Your books and computer screen will be waiting for you when you return.

Be Careful with Makeup

Eye makeup can be a source point for a number of bacteria that can negatively affect the eyes. You and your friends should never use the same makeup for your eyes. Also, if your eyes ever become infected, you should discard the eye makeup you are using immediately.

Use Protective Eyewear

You should use proper gear to protect your eyes if you participate in athletics while in college. These glasses will protect your eyes from bumps, scratches, bruises, and serious injury.

Yearly Exam

A yearly eye examination will ensure your vision is optimal and provide an early warning to any potential threats to the health of your eyes.

About Campus Eye Group

The staff at Campus Eye Group is comprised of board-certified ophthalmologists and certified optometrists who deliver the highest quality of eye care, innovative medical and surgical care, and the finest optical services available.

With multiple offices in Mercer County, NJ and Bucks County PA, we are one of the largest and most prestigious free-standing eye care centers in the country.

Take Care of Your Eyes as You Age

When you reach about 40 years of age, you may start noticing that your eyes begin to change. At first, you may simply ignore the change and not think much of it. But as time continues to pass, you may notice it is harder to read or see things close up.

These eye changes are normal due to your age. It is called “presbyopia”, and it means you will need to use reading glasses to comfortably read small print from now on.

It is essential that you have a comprehensive eye exam regularly. You need a regular eye exam because many eye diseases do not come with red flags or early warning signs. However, a comprehensive dilated eye exam can detect eye disease while it is in the early stages. By detecting a problem early, it will be easier to manage for years to come.

You may wonder, what are some other age-related eye conditions?

Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD)

For people over 50 years of age, this condition is the leading reason for the loss of sight. There is a small spot near the center of your eye called the macula. The macula is responsible for your central vision, the loss of which can set limits in your life. AMD can restrict your ability of face-recognition, driving, reading, writing, or any activity that requires you to look close. Risk factors for AMD are:

  • Age (over 60 usually)
  • Smoking
  • Family History and Genetics

Dry Eye

Sometimes as you get older, your tear ducts do not work like they used to. The quantity or quality of the tears from your tear duct is not enough to keep your eyes lubricated. This ends up feeling like sand is in your eye or it may feel scratchy. You may also have other symptoms, such as:

  • Burning
  • Pain
  • Redness in the Eye
  • Excessive tearing

Here are some of the other reasons that may contribute to your dry eye condition:

  • Advancing Age
  • Medications
  • Rosacea
  • Autoimmune Disorders
  • Windy or Dry Environments

If you are suffering from this condition, it is essential to make an appointment with the eye doctor to get some relief.

Low Vision

Even though you may wear glasses or contact lenses, you may still have a hard time seeing. Some of the health or eye conditions that can cause low vision are:

  • AMD
  • Cataracts
  • Diabetes
  • Glaucoma
  • Birth defects

In treating this condition, it is crucial to catch it early. The earlier the doctor finds the problem, the more likely they can help you preserve as much of your vision as possible.

Here are some of the warning signs:

If you have a hard time…

  • Recognizing the faces of people you know
  • Reading, cooking, fix-it work
  • Choosing and matching your clothes
  • Seeing clearly with the lights on
  • Read large signs with driving or department store signs

If you have any of these signs, it is essential to make an appointment for a complete comprehensive eye exam with dilation. The phone call can preserve your sight.

Today we just covered a few of the eye conditions you may experience as you grow older. Whether you have these symptoms or not, the most important piece of information to take from this article is the need for a comprehensive eye exam. If you have not had an exam in the last year, it is time to call and make an appointment. Before you feel regret and you have lost some of your vision. Call Campus Eye Group at (609)587-2020 and make your eye appointment today.